India Can Deliver Sophisticated Proactive BPO That Improves Service Quality and Customer Experience

India Can Deliver Sophisticated Proactive BPO That Improves Service Quality and Customer Experience

There are many misconceptions about outsourcing business processes to India. In our internal research, we have found that many executives in the US feel that working with India may be difficult because of language or cultural problems, and the service quality is likely to be low.

The reality is that India is now one of the leading centers of excellence for technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) services. Some American companies worked with India over thirty years ago to remotely manage their back office processes.

India’s Transformative Role in Global Outsourcing

This profound experience in BPO means that India is a place where an enormously rich seam of talent can be found. It is the most populous nation on earth, with over 1.4 billion people. There are many highly educated and experienced people in India – some with decades of experience in BPO.

But some stereotypes do persist.

If customer service is being managed from India, a caller from Chicago would easily discern that the agent isn’t local. Still, most customers prioritize issue resolution over the agent’s location.

 Various customer support and back-office processes, like data entry, can be readily offshored due to their lack of direct customer interaction.

Leveraging India’s expertise in Back-Office Operations

At DATAMARK, we believe that there is an enormous opportunity available in India. This is a country with a tremendous amount of talent and deep experience in the processes required to make BPO work.

You may prefer to answer customer service calls close to your customers. Still, many other processes can be managed in India – and they are often complex knowledge-based services. 

Datamark works with a large international logistics company based in the US. Many of the processes for this project are delivered from India. But they are not just simple and repetitive tasks.

We have teams using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to transform and improve processes constantly. These automated systems can proactively search for problems in the delivery data – such as an incorrect ZIP code. Not only is the team in India proactively checking and improving customer data, but these processes create real value. Trucks don’t go out with packages that have incorrect addresses.

The team checks photos of deliveries and follows up with customers to ensure they are satisfied with the service they have received.

A process that is considered to be “back office” can be closely aligned with the services required by the customer – and it can be proactive. This constant checking and improvement process can dramatically improve the overall customer experience.

This sophisticated and proactive service is all delivered by our team in India. They are using customer data to prevent customer problems before they even happen.

Bottom Line

This level of quality is why we are working in India. Ask our team for more details, and we can share more experiences and case studies. India has so much more to offer companies that need BPO services. 

For more information on DATAMARK in India please click here.

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